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Bob Hitching

Rev. Dr. Robert Hitching
11-14-1950 – 07-16-2024

Founder of Roma Bible Union


John 11:25-26
Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.


On July 16 2024 the Roma Bible Union Mission lost its beloved founder Rev. Dr. Robert (Bob) Hitching. His vision and passion for the lost, the vulnerable, the poor, and the oppressed was unquenchable. His desire to see 'sinful men and women reconciled to the Holy God by the Blood of the Cross of Jesus Christ' was unstoppable. And his desire to see the Word of God preached and bearing fruit in the lives of all that he met was humbling and an example to all of us. We as an RBU Team continue to follow in Bob's steps to take up his legacy to continue what he had begun. While we will miss his laugh and his smile, his deep and cutting-edge and innovative thinking and teaching, his generosity and kindness, and especially his love for us all in RBU, we press on in the wake of his spirit to continue to love, care for, and teach Roma children, pastors and families, and to continue to provide and expand the distribution of Biblical, Discipleship, and Mother Tongue Literacy materials which are published in the mother tongue and national languages of instruction for the Roma People of Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe. God give us strength.

Bob's Kapelna Parish Children

Pastor 'Bobbie' – Living, Serving, and Loving the Kapelna Parish Church – Memory Eternal

'God is for us, Not against us!"
